Error 500 Internal Server Error


Forwarded to ErrorController (d50bca)


Variable "imageit" does not exist.

Twig\Error\ RuntimeError

Show exception properties
0 of 0
Twig\Error\RuntimeError {#3319 â–¼ -lineno: 9 -name: "@kiwiCache/199995fd46f3275be77b11de40fa1bf7.compiled" -rawMessage: "Variable "imageit" does not exist." -sourcePath: "/var/www/html/var/cache/templates/199995fd46f3275be77b11de40fa1bf7.compiled" -sourceCode: """ {% autoescape false %}{% if v['jeaktiv'] == 1 %}\n <style>\n .mfp-content{\n max-width: 700px;\n }\n .jumbotronthis{\n max-width: 700px;\n margin: 0 auto;\n background-image: url('{{imageit}}');\n background-repeat: no-repeat;\n background-size: cover;\n background-position: top center;\n padding: 30px;\n border-radius: 10px;\n background-color: white;\n }\n .jumbotronthis h2, .jumbotronthis p, .jumbotronthis p strong, .jumbotronthis p strong em, .jumbotronthis em{\n color: red;\n }\n .subnadpismy:after {\n content: "";\n display: block;\n width: 140px;\n margin: 25px auto 20px auto;\n height: 4px;\n background: white;\n }\n </style>\n <form id="cont-form" class="white-popup-block mfp-hide">\n <div class="jumbotronthis">\n <h2 class="subnadpismy text-center">{{name}}</h4>\n {{content}}\n </div>\n </form>\n <script>\n $(document).ready(function() {\n \t${\n \t\ttype: 'inline',\n \t\titems: {\n src: '#cont-form' \n },\n \t\tpreloader: false,\n \t});\n });\n </script>\n {% endif %}{% endautoescape %} """ }
  1.         max-width: 700px;
  2.     }
  3.     .jumbotronthis{
  4.         max-width: 700px;
  5.         margin: 0 auto;
  6.         background-image: url('{{imageit}}');
  7.         background-repeat: no-repeat;
  8.         background-size: cover;
  9.         background-position: top center;
  10.         padding: 30px;
  11.         border-radius: 10px;
  1.     .jumbotronthis{
  2.         max-width: 700px;
  3.         margin: 0 auto;
  4.         background-image: url('";
  5.             // line 9
  6.             echo (isset($context["imageit"]) || array_key_exists("imageit"$context) ? $context["imageit"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "imageit" does not exist.'9$this->source); })());
  7.             echo "');
  8.         background-repeat: no-repeat;
  9.         background-size: cover;
  10.         background-position: top center;
  11.         padding: 30px;
in vendor/twig/twig/src/Template.php -> doDisplay (line 394)
  1.     }
  2.     protected function displayWithErrorHandling(array $context, array $blocks = [])
  3.     {
  4.         try {
  5.             $this->doDisplay($context$blocks);
  6.         } catch (Error $e) {
  7.             if (!$e->getSourceContext()) {
  8.                 $e->setSourceContext($this->getSourceContext());
  9.             }
in vendor/twig/twig/src/Template.php -> displayWithErrorHandling (line 367)
  1.         return $this->blocks;
  2.     }
  3.     public function display(array $context, array $blocks = [])
  4.     {
  5.         $this->displayWithErrorHandling($this->env->mergeGlobals($context), array_merge($this->blocks$blocks));
  6.     }
  7.     public function render(array $context)
  8.     {
  9.         $level ob_get_level();
in vendor/twig/twig/src/Template.php -> display (line 379)
  1.             ob_start();
  2.         } else {
  3.             ob_start(function () { return ''; });
  4.         }
  5.         try {
  6.             $this->display($context);
  7.         } catch (\Throwable $e) {
  8.             while (ob_get_level() > $level) {
  9.                 ob_end_clean();
  10.             }
  1.         $this->template $template;
  2.     }
  3.     public function render(array $context = []): string
  4.     {
  5.         return $this->template->render($context);
  6.     }
  7.     public function display(array $context = [])
  8.     {
  9.         // using func_get_args() allows to not expose the blocks argument
  1.      * @throws SyntaxError  When an error occurred during compilation
  2.      * @throws RuntimeError When an error occurred during rendering
  3.      */
  4.     public function render($name, array $context = []): string
  5.     {
  6.         return $this->load($name)->render($context);
  7.     }
  8.     /**
  9.      * Displays a template.
  10.      *
Environment->render() in src/Service/Kiwi/Page/PageModuleArticle.php (line 189)
  1.                 '{% autoescape false %}'.$article_twig_data['content'].'{% endautoescape %}'),
  2.                 $article_twig_data
  3.             );
  4.             $twig = clone $this->twig;
  5.             return $twig->render($this->baseLayout->cacheStringTemplate(
  6.                 '{% autoescape false %}'.$module->getTemplate()->getTpl().'{% endautoescape %}'),
  7.                 $article_twig_data
  8.             );
  9.         } else {
  10.             return false;
PageModuleArticle->getKiwiFrontendModuleBox() in src/Service/Kiwi/Page/PageFrontendHandle.php (line 129)
  1.                             if($this->config['lang'] == $module->getLanguage()->GetCode())
  2.                                 $append_module true;
  3.                         }
  4.                         if($append_module) {
  5.                             $module_html $this->page_modules_handle->getKiwiModule(md5($module->getNamespace()), $module->getNamespace())->getKiwiFrontendModuleBox($module,$this->config);
  6.                             $placeholder_html .= $module_html;
  7.                         }
  8.                     }
  9.                 }
PageFrontendHandle->getPageData() in src/Service/Kiwi/Page/PageFrontendHandle.php (line 156)
  1.             $this->page_modules_handle->setResponse($response);
  2.             $twig = clone $this->twig;
  3.             $page_html $twig->render($this->baseLayout->cacheStringTemplate(
  4.                 '{% autoescape false %}'.$this->page->getLayout()->getTpl().'{% endautoescape %}'),
  5.                 $this->getPageData()
  6.             );
  7.             $response->setContent($page_html);
  8.             $response->setStatusCode(Response::HTTP_OK);
  9.             $response->headers->set('Content-Type''text/html');
PageFrontendHandle->getPageHtml() in src/Controller/Kiwi/FrontPage/DefaultController.php (line 101)
  1.         if($redir_url) {
  2.             $suffix $pageFrontendHandle->getRedirectSuffix();
  3.             return $this->redirect($redir_url.$suffix);
  4.         } else {
  5.             return $pageFrontendHandle->getPageHtml();
  6.         }
  7.     }
  8.     private function prerouter(Request $requestRoutingHandle $routingHandle): RoutingPaths  {
  9.         //$path = $request->getPathInfo();
DefaultController->pageAction() in src/Controller/Kiwi/FrontPage/DefaultController.php (line 29)
  1.                                   RoutingHandle $routingHandle){
  2.         $route $this->prerouter($request$routingHandle);
  3.         //dump($route->getPage()); exit;
  4.         return $this->pageAction($request,
  5.             $pageHandle,
  6.             $webHandle,
  7.             $pageFrontendHandle,
  8.             $route->getLanguage()->getCode(),
  9.             false,
in vendor/symfony/http-kernel/HttpKernel.php -> blankHpAction (line 181)
  1.         $this->dispatcher->dispatch($eventKernelEvents::CONTROLLER_ARGUMENTS);
  2.         $controller $event->getController();
  3.         $arguments $event->getArguments();
  4.         // call controller
  5.         $response $controller(...$arguments);
  6.         // view
  7.         if (!$response instanceof Response) {
  8.             $event = new ViewEvent($this$request$type$response$event);
  9.             $this->dispatcher->dispatch($eventKernelEvents::VIEW);
  1.         $request->headers->set('X-Php-Ob-Level', (string) ob_get_level());
  2.         $this->requestStack->push($request);
  3.         $response null;
  4.         try {
  5.             return $response $this->handleRaw($request$type);
  6.         } catch (\Throwable $e) {
  7.             if ($e instanceof \Error && !$this->handleAllThrowables) {
  8.                 throw $e;
  9.             }
  1.         $this->boot();
  2.         ++$this->requestStackSize;
  3.         $this->resetServices true;
  4.         try {
  5.             return $this->getHttpKernel()->handle($request$type$catch);
  6.         } finally {
  7.             --$this->requestStackSize;
  8.         }
  9.     }
  1.         $this->request $request;
  2.     }
  3.     public function run(): int
  4.     {
  5.         $response $this->kernel->handle($this->request);
  6.         $response->send();
  7.         if ($this->kernel instanceof TerminableInterface) {
  8.             $this->kernel->terminate($this->request$response);
  9.         }
in vendor/autoload_runtime.php -> run (line 29)
  1. $app $app(...$args);
  2. exit(
  3.     $runtime
  4.         ->getRunner($app)
  5.         ->run()
  6. );
require_once('/var/www/html/vendor/autoload_runtime.php') in public/index.php (line 7)
  1. use App\Kernel;
  2. require_once 'redirects.php';
  3. require_once dirname(__DIR__).'/vendor/autoload_runtime.php';
  4. return function (array $context) {
  5.     return new Kernel($context['APP_ENV'], (bool) $context['APP_DEBUG']);
  6. };